Mental Health Support Program

Join Us We Need Your Help
The impact of the novel Coronavirus: COVID-19 continues to leave many people especially youth from under-served and financially disadvantaged households struggling with adverse mental health challenges requiring tailored intervention and support.
Join us in our efforts to providing holistic mental health support for youth leading to better health/wellbeing for entire Saskatoon community
Newcomer and Immigrant Youth
Your donation will go a long way in assuring newcomer and immigrant youth a sense of belonging and cared for; a demonstration that it takes an entire community to raise a child!
International Students and Refugee Youth
Overlooked minority such as international students, protected persons, and unaccompanied refugees face heightened anxiety, concern for their families abroad, and limited access to basic needs including food, hygiene products, housing, and financial support.
Your support will go a long way in assisting our organization to provide basic living necessities for youth in these categories.
Youth from BIPOC Households
Your support will advance our work related to culturally sensitive, trauma informed and wrap-around service delivery for youth from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color households in the below key areas of need:
- Youth struggling to secure and/or maintain jobs due to COVID-19
- Youth/young adult living alone, experiencing isolation and boredom
- Youth with lived experience of racism, discrimination, and bullying
- Youth from financially disadvantaged or single parent BIPOC households